As Winter arrives, trees send their roots down into the earth to gather strength for spring growth. Animals cease their activity and hibernate. Snowfall muffles the noise of the world and brings silence. Longer periods of darkness encourage more rest. Indeed, in these dark times, we need stillness, rest, and contemplation. Our meditation instructor, Jill Tonachio, will show you mindfulness techniques that show us how we can embrace this time of darkness and find our inner stillness. We will end with a crystal singing bowl sound bath led by our sound healer, Mindie Hung that will bring you to a place of deep rest. Class size is limited; registration required.
Bring your own yoga mat for the reclined portion of class if you have one (we have extras, though). Class size is limited; registration required. *
When: Tuesday, December 12, 2023, 6:15-7:15 PM
Where: The Healing Sanctuary
Cost: $30