SoundBed Relaxation Sessions

  • Whale Song (10 min)

    The whale song is known to be one of the most healing sounds in nature. In this deep ocean exploration, experience the lowest known whale song frequency of 52 Hz directly into your body, as you are serenaded by the hauntingly beautiful symphony of the pod.
    • Before bed
    • For deep relaxation
    • To stimulate imagination

    Natural Soundscape – ocean sounds, distant and close whale calls, immersion in water, orchestral harmonic drone, occasionally discordant, whale pod surround (sounds like children or dolphins), playful.

    Vibration: Strong consistent wave vibration focusing on the lower back, hamstring, and shoulder blade region. Vibration grows outward from the center of the body.

  • Deep Rest | Delta Waves (12 min)

    This somatic brainwave entrainment invites you into a low, slow Delta frequency; wherein your body and nervous system may enter a state of self-healing and cellular regeneration. Mellow and deeply relaxing.
    • Post-exercise
    • Before bed
    • When feeling “stuck”

    Wind sound ear to ear, chinese sitar, very deep delta wave drone, string music


  • Sanctuary Stream (13 min)

    Vibrationally attune to the healing power of water. Become a riverbed, where cleansing current flows steadily and continuously over your whole being.
    • For washing away unwanted energies
    • When craving nature
    • To refresh your mind

    Natural Soundscape – flowing water, bird sounds, immersion in water, female vocal intoning, dronelike waves

    Vibration: fairly intense vibration; starting with lower back and goes down the body.

  • Dreamstate | Theta Waves (12 min)

    Enter the Theta Brainwave state, the state of dreaming, deep trance, and shamanic journeying. This subtle state of perception may open you to insights from your subconscious. Almost instantaneous relaxation.
    • Before bed
    • For creative inspiration
    • When feeling “stuck”

    Creaking like a swing, wind sound alternating ears, deep Theta wave pulse, quiet dronelike harmony, keyboards


  • Chrysalis (13 min)

    A simple theta wave and 432 Hz crystal bowl session to allow mind and body to unwind. It provides an avenue for rest, calmness, and resetting thought patterns.
    • After a long day
    • To switch gears
    • For calmness and clarity

    Natural Soundscape – birds, water, rain; relaxing music, singing bowl drone

    Vibration: Alternating upper legs and mid-back, side to side alternating (resembling singing bowl), random deeper rumbles

  • Ease | 174 Hz (10 min)

    A Solfeggio tone session for soothing aches or pains in your body, bringing you into a state of effortless ease.
    • When physical discomfort arises
    • To clarify exactly what you want
    • For supporting injury recovery

    Natural soundscape – crickets, frogs, distant bird sounds, metal bowl, deep flute & wind instruments, deep Om drone ear to ear, piano, varying volume

    Vibration: Consistent all over body vibrations with periodic peaks of intensity

  • Healing (7 min)

    Embrace tenderness and vulnerability. Come as you are, and feel fully. Let your soul be washed clean by the ocean waves, angelic voices, and a soothing sonic atmosphere. Deeply relaxing and calming.
    • To feel deeply held
    • To wind down before rest
    • As a soothing balm for your emotions

    Quiet angelic female vocals, no lyrics, gentle ocean waves, floating harmonies

    Vibration: Begins with light rumbling like being on a boat, then smooths out to vibration from legs to upper body that corresponds to deeper bass notes in the melody.

  • Ancient Grandfather Fire (7 min)

    Drawing on the essence of wisdom of fire, this ceremonial flute journey calls you into remembrance of your connection to the Earth, and the divine mystery of the universe.
    • When feeling disconnected
    • Before going to sleep
    • To connect with the feeling of sacrednss

    Native American flutes and shakers. Low level crackling fire sounds. Pleasant and calm.

    Vibration: All over and consistent. Not very intense.

  • Speaking With Trees (9 min)

    Encounter benevolent spirits of he forest in this subtly evolving, transcendental journey, in which time is bent and space liquefied. This session is adapted from part 5 of the Speaking With Trees collection, a score to a natural sculptural exhibition by David Block.
    • During or post sunset
    • For creative inspiration
    • To tap into an expanse of mystery

    Background noises combine with piano and the sound of a large, crackling fire.

    Vibration: Fairly strong vibrations that start mostly in the lower body but eventually work their way up.

  • Drift | Delta Waves (15 min)

    This bilateral stimulation session is designed to calm your nervous system and guide you into the delta brain state, where your body enters a mode of self-healing. Experience soothing ASMR field recordings of snow gently falling and melting on leaves, creating a serene soundscape for ultimate relaxation. Bilateral stimulation has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve emotional regulation by engaging both hemispheres of the brain.
    • For a midday power nap
    • After work
    • To calm and recalibrate


  • The Void (8 min)

    This hauntingly beautiful session feature the sound of a 432 Hz effected tongue drum, transformed into a mystical and spacious ambience. Steady, yet subtly evolving, let this texture transport you to a place of inner stillness.
    • For moments of introspection
    • To deeply relax and restore
    • Before going to bed


  • Prayer to the Stars (5 min)

    Through her voice flows the essence of mystery and awe. Allow yourself to truly feel the vastness of the cosmos, and your place within it. “An extension of prayer to all life and creation.”
    • When feeling disconnected
    • Before going to sleep
    • To connect with the feeling of sacredness
