SoundBed Focus Sessions

  • Highest Timeline | 963 Hz (9 min

    Resonate with 963 Hz, and consecrate your Soul’s mission on this planet- stepping fully into your divine birthright.
    • To connect to the spiritual world
    • As part of a creative visualization practice
    • For empowering your life purpose

    Deep piano chords with higher tones like bubbles, epic-sounding, louder, deep drone, floaty.


  • Focus | Beta Waves (10 min)

    Optimize your efficiency. Increase your capacity for learning and problem solving. Enter a clear and engaged Beta state of consciousness to balance your human Being and human Doing.
    • First thing in the morning
    • For a cognitive boost throughout the day
    • When feeling “scattered”

    Floating music reminiscent of a sunrise, bird sounds, background Beta wave drone


  • Creative Burst | Gamma Waves (12 min)

    Entrain to flow state. Gamma is the highest frequency brainwave band. Vibrating in this mode of consciousness allows for profound creativity, insight, and “aha” moments to emerge. Floating frequencies, like being in space and seeing things from a higher perspective.
    • To facilitate insight
    • For artistic inspiration
    • To increase sensory awareness

    Quiet and bright strings, deep cello-like drone underneath, floating music
