SoundBed Energy Sessions

  • Mystic Rising (5 min)

    With soaring vocals and victorious instrumentation as the wind under your wings, let your spirit come alive in this awakening and inspirational session. Many people feel the urge to laugh or smile throughout the session.
    • To start your day on a note of beauty
    • For overcoming emotional blocks
    • As accompaniment for a breath practice

    Wind sounds, bubbly, harpsichord, high female vocals (no lyrics), guitar

    Vibration: Very intense, feels like fireworks bursting at heart-level and outward

  • Soar into Aliveness (14 min)

    Spread your wings wide and soar into the remembrance of your true nature. This guided breath session invites you into a state which is at once deeply grounded in your body, and equally expansive into new heights of creativity and emotional capacity. Acknowledges all emotions, thoughts, dreams. Joyful, expansive. A great choice for experienced breathwork practitioners. Always remember to listen to your body and take breaks when necessary.
    • To stimulate creative flow
    • When feeling small or stuck
    • To increase your capacity for a job

    Water sounds, bird, ear-to-ear music quiet at first, spoken male vocals, breathing cycles, handpan, drumbeat, tribal vocals


  • Freedom | 741 Hz (10 min)

    The 741 Hz Solfeggio Tone imparts the ability to see possibilities and solutions beyond limitations. Awaken your intuitive knowing, speech, and visionary creativity with this Solfeggio tone harmonic. Begins with a feeling like a bird soaring, to see things from a higher, calmer perspective, then awakens energy in a purposeful way.

    Deep drone, then high tone with strings, floating, quick drumbeat halfway through with quicker synthesized music & female vocals (no lyrics), driving orchestral, then a brief return to floating.


  • Light Warrior (10 min)

    Activate your center of true personal power and life purpose at the solar plexus. This chakra is connected with physical pancreas, liver and stomach, as well as the fire element. Therapeutic vibration at this center may illuminate energies related to boundaries and identity. Harnesses inner power by submerging into dark anger, then alchemizing it into light-filled positively-focused energy. An intense and powerful session, great for tapping into and processing anger. Tap into your inner warrior energy.
    • To realize your capability and inner power
    • For processing feelings of anger
    • To bring structure and direction to your mental body

    Nighttime nature sounds, deep drone, intense drumbeat, quick strings, deep synthesized horns, deep tribal vocals, driving, epic

    Vibration: Focuses at solar plexus level,

  • Earth Awareness | Alpha Waves (12 min)

    Ground your energy and attune to nature. This Alpha brainwave session invites you into meditative receptivity. Plant your roots deeply into the frequency of Earth’s heartbeat, or Schumann resonance.
    • As part of your morning routine
    • Prior to meditation practice
    • To connect with Nature

    Wind, periodic deep drone, Alpha brainwave frequency ear-to-ear then in the background, high synthesized strings, bird calls


  • Fearless / 396 Hz (9 min)

    This session aids in the transcendence of guilt and fear blocks, opening the pathways for self-love and personal empowerment. 396 Hz can also be helpful for moving through feelings of grief. Uplifting and calming at the same time, like watching a bird soaring.
    • During significant life changes
    • To calm your nervous system
    • For processing and releasing sadness

    Bird call, strings, floating music ear-to-ear


  • A Better Way to Love (4 min)

    Enliven your system. Fueled by thumping kicks and bending bass lines, feel every cell in your body dancing with this upbeat and energizing session.
    • For a morning energy boost
    • To cultivate joy
    • When feeling overly serious

    Male synthesized vocals
