SoundBed Chakra Balancing Sessions

  • Grounded Presence – Root Chakra (9 min)

    Awaken your groundedness, connection to the Earth, physical vitality, and core sense of safety. Your root chakra is located at the base of your spine, and therapeutic vibration here may help to illuminate and move energies stemming from early childhood, or even in utero.
    • To feel more grounded
    • When feeling anxious or worried
    • To feel more fully “in your body”

    Deep note OM mantra (LAM) drone repetition

    Vibration: Lower back (root level) vibration

  • Radiant Vitality - Sacral Chakra (9 min)

    Bring aliveness to the center of your creative essence, passion and sensuality- the water element of your being. This chakra is related to the physical adrenal glands and psoas muscles. Working with the sacral chakra, located about two inches below your navel, may assist in gently shifting emotion related to family dynamics, as well as unlocking more of your vitality.
    • For artistic inspiration
    • To more fully open to receiving abundantly
    • When feeling stagnant

    Deep OM (VAM) drone repeated

    Vibration: Mid-section (sacral level) vibration

  • Centered Power- Solar Plexus Chakra (10 min)

    Activate your center of true personal power and life purpose at the solar plexus. This chakra is connected with physical pancreas, liver and stomach, as well as the fire element. Therapeutic vibration at the center may illuminate energies related to boundaries and identity. Clarify and strengthen your intention in the radiance of the sun’s light.
    • To realize your capability and inner power
    • For processing feelings of anger
    • To bring structure and direction to your mental body

    Middle OM (RAM) drone repeated

    Vibration: Mid-section (solar plexus level) vibration

  • Boundless Grace- Heart Chakra (10 min)

    Feel deeply into vibration at the center of your heart, where the material and spiritual merge in pure harmony. This chakra is related to the physical heart, and the thymus gland which regulates immunity. Expand your field of compassion, forgiveness and freedom. This is part four of the Chakra Balancing-432 Hz series. Choose this session:
    • To tune into gratitude
    • When processing feelings of grief
    • As a way to expand your field of loving awareness

    Middle note YAM mantra repetition

    Vibration: Mid-body (heart level) vibration

  • Liberated Expression – Throat Chakra (10 min)

    Deepen communication and listening. Bring balance to your energetic center of authentic expression and deep attuned listening. This chakra is connected to your physical vocal chords, ears, and thyroid gland. By clarifying your throat chakra, you allow your gifts and vision to grace the world. This is part five of the Chakra Balancing – 432 Hz series.
    • To free self-expression and voice
    • For landing fully in the present moment
    • Prior to a significant conversation

  • Intuitive Knowing – Third Eye Chakra (10 min)

    Refine your perception. Your third eye is located between your eyebrows. Connected with your physical eyes, as well as the pituitary gland, this center is the seat of your intuitive knowing and discernment. Vibrate into resonance with your inner compass, and you will never be lost. This is part six of the Chakra Balancing – 432 Hz series.
    • To clear your mind
    • To heighten intuition
    • Before a silent meditation

  • Pure Awareness – Crown Chakra (10 min)

    Realize your connectedness with all of creation. Your crown chakra, located at the top of your head, is known in Sanskrit a Sahasrara, or “thousand petaled lotus”. This center is related to the pineal gland in the center of your brain. Remember your unity with all that is, and open to a flow of pure spiritual energy and wisdom. This is part seven of the Chakra Balancing – 432 Hz series.
    • To connect with unity consciousness
    • When feeling isolated
    • After a movement practice