What to Expect in Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic massage, also known as Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), is a gentle, rhythmic massage technique that stimulates the lymphatic system and assists the body’s natural detoxification process by  circulating immune cells through the body to help flush toxins from the tissues. It reroutes fluid around blocked areas into healthy lymphatic regions and lymph nodes, and facilitates the movement of lymph fluid from edematous (swollen) areas to non-edematous areas, which then filters back into the venous system. This type of massage is often a complement to traditional therapies for people with swelling post-surgery or post- cancer treatment or with fluid buildup in extremities from heart disease.

This type of massage is performed using very light pressure to stretch the skin, along with abdominal massage and the  use of guided diaphragmatic breathing throughout the session to increase circulation in the deep lymphatic pathways. The abdominal sequence opens the deep pathways and stimulates the largest lymphatic duct in the body, the Thoracic Duct, for the return of lymph fluid to the venous system. A light, rhythmic pumping technique is used throughout the rest of the body to stimulate the lymph vessels and lymph nodes which lie directly under the skin. If lymphedema is present, deeper pressure may be applied depending on the severity of the swelling. 

Similar to traditional massage, you can expect a thorough consultation and assessment with your  therapist regarding your health history so they can tailor the direction to safely route the lymph fluid in your body, and to know if there are any local or absolute contraindications specific to you.  No muscular massage is involved in this technique, however, it is very soothing and highly effective when targeting inflammation.  Most people report feeling lighter, more relaxed, or energized, and those with inflammation or lymphedema typically notice  a difference within 24 hours after their session. 

MLD can be a whole body treatment or localized to a specific area in need. No oils or creams are  used during this treatment, and only the area of the body being worked on is exposed. Education regarding self-care and self-MLD techniques may be provided. Evidence has shown that  MLD also provides other therapeutic effects besides decongesting. Other benefits include:

  • Increased immune support

  • Relaxation 

  • Better sleep 

  • Stress reduction 

  • Increased energy 

  • A balanced nervous system

  • Pre-surgery preparation

  • Assistance with recovery time post-surgery

If you think you need a Lymphatic Massage, call The Healing Sanctuary at (484) 872-8217.

Chloe Fetrow - Lymphatic Therapist
Chloe is certified in Complete Decongestive Therapy, specializing in Manual Lymph Drainage (Vodder technique), Oncology and Integrative Massage, and Myofascial Release. Her experience in physical therapy and yoga allows her to customize her sessions in unique ways and adds individualized, positive dynamics to the healing process. Through her many patients over the years, she understands how draining physical and emotional pain can be, and believes that integrating multiple therapeutic approaches in a safe and soothing environment is incredibly beneficial to healing.

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