What Does It Mean To Raise Your Vibration?

I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world.  - Rainer Maria Rilke

Einstein taught us that “everything is energy” and because everything is made up of energy, every person, place, and thing vibrates at a unique frequency.

Your emotions and how you deal with them will determine at what frequency your energy is vibrating. The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy.  You have little, if any, discomfort or pain in your physical body, and you are able to deal with your emotions easily. In contrast, a low vibration energy feels dark, dense and heavy.  We often associate this lower vibration with emotions such as suffering, fear, anger and resentment.

When you are able to recognize you’re in a low vibration emotion (like jealousy or grief) then you can intentionally shift yourself into a high-vibration emotional state (such as joy, gratitude, or peacefulness). Below are some mindful ways to raise your vibration and incorporate self-care into your routine:

  1. Meditate: helps lower anxiety and stress

  2. Listen to uplifting music: it literally IS vibration!

  3. Say goodbye to your ego: let go of negative self-talk and gossip

  4. Move your body: yoga, dancing, walking, running, stretching, etc.

  5. Have a morning ritual: greet yourself kindly in the mirror, journal, read something inspiring

  6. Practice mindfulness: build awareness by noticing the world around you with all your senses

  7. Commune with nature: studies show that nature has a profound impact on our well-being

  8. Use crystals:  find healing stones aligned with your needs and meditate with them; place them in your home

  9. Find the light: get outside for at least 20 minutes in the sun

  10. Experience a sound bath: entrain your brain to lower your brain wave frequency

  11. Eat healthy: opt for cleaner, healthier foods; avoid junk food and eat fewer animal products

  12. Practice kindness: offer to help someone else, volunteer, speak kindly to others and yourself

  13. Practice gratitude: list or say out loud what are you thankful for, even better directed towards another person

  14. Create healthy boundaries: it’s OK to say “no”

  15. Breathe deeply: practice techniques like box breathing

  16. Think positively: our thoughts become our reality

  17. Practice forgiveness: give away the hurt, let go of resentment, forgive even yourself

  18. Smudge your space: clear negativity and stagnation with sage, palo santo, juniper, mugwort, or cedar.

Even the simple act of intending to raise your vibration and practice one of the above items starts the process of resonating at a higher frequency. With some of the above practices, you not only affect your own vibration and mood, but you can positively affect another person as well. Much like sympathetic resonance, a harmonic phenomenon in which another vibratory body responds to external vibrations to which it has a harmonic likeness, we can affect people around us. Like a pebble in a pond, our actions and our vibrations ripple forth from us to touch others in ever-widening circles.

To experience an individual sound healing session or schedule a sound bath for your family or friend group, call our office at (484) 872-8217.

Mindie Hung, Vibrational Sound Therapist

Mindie became interested in singing bowls when she experienced their powerful healing vibrations during yoga classes and sound baths.  In 2017 she became a Certified Vibrational Sound Therapy Licensed Practitioner with The Vibrational Sound Association (VSA). She has witnessed the healing power of the singing bowls after each session she performs. Clients are more relaxed, clear headed and awakened to their inner peace. 


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