Sound Healing for Stress Relief

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

-Nikola Tesla

 Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST), is a modality for deep relaxation that can relieve stress and improve emotional well-being by using specially crafted therapeutic singing bowls on a client’s body. While relaxing to the soothing sound and vibration, one’s body is affected on a cellular level. The bowls assists in opening the energy flow to move back toward healthy alignment. Stress can cause an unhealthy flow of energy or stuck energy. Relaxation therapies can reduce symptoms of stress by slowing the client’s heart rate, lowering blood pressure and slowing their breathing.

 The combination of vibration and water is one of the main reasons why VST is so effective at transferring vibration through the body since our body is made up of 60% water. The resonance and vibrations of the bowls act like a radar detector, locating dis-ease in the body and then gently assisting in bringing the body back into harmony.

 One of the desired effects of Vibrational Sound Therapy (VST) is brain wave entrainment. When our brains are “on”, we are in a beta brain wave state -- wide awake, alert and focused.  In this state, we are not in relaxation. With entrainment using singing bowls, we are bringing the brain wave state into the theta or even delta wave range, slowing the brain waves down and encouraging relaxation. “During normal sleep, people will oscillate between both of these states. The brain wave state of clients undergoing a sound massage will change naturally and in reaction to the modality as positions are changed and different bowls are introduced.” (Vibrational Sound Association)

 When we are vibrating on a higher frequency, our body is in a healthier and happier state. Conversely, when we are sick, depressed or stressed, we vibrate at a lower frequency causing dis-ease in the body. With the help of metal therapeutic bowls as well as crystal alchemy singing bowls, the body can be “re-tuned” and brought back to a more balanced state. Clients have a definite physical response to VST reporting they are more relaxed, less stressed and have an overwhelming sense of calm. Some benefits of VST include improved sleep, lower blood pressure, reduced stress and anxiety. After experiencing a sound massage, some clients feel as though they have been granted an opportunity to reconnect with themselves on a spiritual level, something they normally do not reach with regular meditation and mindfulness.

Mindie Hung, Vibrational Sound Therapist

Mindie became interested in singing bowls when she experienced their powerful healing vibrations during yoga classes and sound baths.  In 2017 she became a Certified Vibrational Sound Therapy Licensed Practitioner with The Vibrational Sound Association (VSA). She has witnessed the healing power of the singing bowls after each session she performs. Clients are more relaxed, clear headed and awakened to their inner peace.

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